Sunday, August 15, 2004

Sex Personality Test

Here are the results of a Sex Personality Test I took at:

About This Test

Different strokes for different folks; it's a common truth that applies not only to every day life and habits, but also to the secretive world of the bedroom. What starts one person's engines may repulse another, and everyone expresses the natural human need for sexual intimacy in a unique and individual way.

That's the beauty of mankind - we are not homogeneous robots. Just as we love and communicate with others in different ways, so we bring diverse styles with us into the sack. These approaches to sex stem from a wide range of factors; how in touch we are with our sensual side, the way we learned about sex as we grew up, our moral and religious beliefs, the strength of our need to express ourselves sexually and the physical relationships we've had in the past. And our loving style may or not change and evolve throughout our lifetime, depending on experiences and level of contentment with the way things are.

All this is to say that, as in other personality characteristics like introversion or extroversion, there is no right or wrong way to be. Some people simply don't desire sex, or choose to abstain completely, while others continue to experiment and explore their sexual sides for an entire lifetime. The direction you lean towards doesn't matter; what is important is being satisfied with the way you are and accepting your uniqueness. As Todd Ruthman once said, "It's the things in common that make relationships enjoyable, but it's the little differences that make them interesting."

Attitude Index = 94Your score
Spice Index = 77Your score
Sexual Daredevil Index = 71Your score

The results of the test suggest that you are very open-minded when it comes to sexuality. You seem to welcome new experiences within the realm of sex and even if you aren't comfortable with a particular ingredient of sex, you are very nonjudgmental of those who indulge themselves. You are not threatened by the diverse sexual tastes that make this world go round. In fact, you seem to be willing to tolerate sexual behavior that colors outside of the lines of 'normalcy,' as long as both partners are into it. Keep up the healthy attitude!

According to the test results you seem to be one gutsy love-maker! You are evidently willing to experiment and are adept at using your creative instincts in the bedroom. Your approach is playful and fun. Amongst mutually consenting adults, your bedroom manner pulsates with life and love!

According to the Sexual Daredevil Index, you are a wild and untamed animal that prowls stealthily by night and day. You are a free roaming sexual being that will not be confined to the bedroom! Sexual captivity is your worst nightmare. You are a curious, adventurous animal and a dyed in the wool sensation seeker.

According to this assessment, there are things that would turn you on, but for whatever reason, you don't indulge yourself.

If this is because your partner has made it clear that s/he doesn't want to go there, then don't push it. Instead, design a smooth plan composed of engaging non-threatening small steps that will be appealing to both of you. Gradually, you can help your partner embark on a journey of exploration that s/he would not dare to take on her/his own.

What does your score mean?
Results of Your Sex Personality Test

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