Thursday, December 2, 2004

Pet Peeves: Cars and Driving

Everyone has pet peeves, and, for many of us, these daily aggravations are related to cars and driving. Here are some of mine. Enjoy!

People who honk their horns the second the light changes.

People who remain stopped several seconds after the light changes. What's the problem, don't they like that shade of green? Are they waiting for one they like better?

People in a left turn lane who make their turn after the light has turned red.

People who drive with their wrist draped over the steering wheel instead of gripping it.

No matter how late at night it is, no matter how far out you are in the country, there's always a car coming to make you wait when you want to make a left turn.

When waiting to turn left, there are always cars coming from the right side when the left side is clear. When the right side is clear, there will be cars coming from the left.

Car alarms

When getting groceries out of your car, the car door swings back and hits you on the ass.

The harder it is raining, the further you'll have to park from the building.

People who park diagonally across two parking spaces, especially when those two spaces are the only ones available.

People who drive for miles with their turn signal blinking who never turn.

People who constantly hit the brakes for no reason.

People who speed up to cut you off when they see you signaling to change lanes People who give a left turn signal and turn right.

People who are quick to pull out in front of you, but slow to a crawl once in front.

The slow car is always in front.

People who take forever to make a turn.

People who must come to a complete stop before turning.

People whose cars straddle the lane markers.

People who pass you, only to turn right at the very next corner.

People who meet coming from opposite directions who stop to carry on a conversation without pulling off the road, oblivious to traffic backing up behind them.

People who ride your bumper even though you're already driving 20 mph over the limit.

Having diarrhea on a long car ride.

Long waits in fast food drive-thru lines, then getting the wrong order after waiting all that time.

Having to park or drive between two oversized vehicles: SUVs, vans, large pickups.

Getting stuck behind slow cars and oncoming traffic prevents you from passing them.

Getting stuck at a railroad crossing, especially when the train STOPS!

People who drive for miles in your blind spot.

Bicycle sized spare tires

Getting stuck behind a slow moving school bus that makes frequent stops.

Getting stuck behind a bus belching toxic fumes.

Tailgaters who follow so closely that they could be charged with "vehicular sodomy".

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