Saturday, January 8, 2005

Insomnia Remedies

I don’t have insomnia all that often. It usually occurs when I’ve got a lot on my mind and I can’t settle down enough to sleep, and less often, when I’m sick.

Having sex will cure the restless mind problem, but I have a few mind games I play when I’m alone and can’t sleep.

Everyone has heard of counting sheep, but I've always thought that was boring, so I made up two solutions of my own, which are both variations on the same theme.

In the first, I’ve been dumped off somewhere out in the country, naked, and it’s the middle of winter. As I start walking to find some sort of shelter, I begin to find articles of clothing in the snow. First, I’ll find underwear, then I visualize myself putting it on, relieved at how it helps me feel just a little bit warmer. Then a t shirt, shorts, then long pants, a heavier shirt, and so on. As I pull on each piece of clothing, I note how it makes me feel that much warmer. Most of the time, I’m asleep before I am fully dressed for the weather conditions.

In the second scenario, I find myself naked in a huge cylinder orbiting the Earth. It is bare metal and the only thing provided for my survival is breathable air and the temperature isn’t TOO cold for survival. I don’t have anything else, not even gravity; I’m floating in darkness. I begin to think of what I would need to make myself my more comfortable…when I soon discover that wishes become reality.

It starts off much in the same way as the first scenario does, with me being slowly clothed in comfortable clothing and feeling more relaxed with each step. Once I’m dressed, I think it would be nice if I could see and, immediately, there are lights. Then gravity, and I’m slowly lowered to the bottom of the cylinder. Then a floor over the bare metal, then walls to form a room. Then a carpet, a bed, blankets, pillow, and a table. Then a bathroom and a kitchen. Then books, TV, computer, DVDs. A window to look out at the Earth. And finally, a woman to share my orbiting home with, later becoming more. Most of the time, I don’t make it to the end of this fantasy, either.

Anyone else have their own versions of the counting sheep remedy?

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