Tuesday, March 1, 2005

March, the Blah Month

March first already. As I sit here in front of the computer, I can hear the wind whipping around the house; March is coming in like a lion this year.

March has always been kind of a doldrums month for me, kind of a blah, nothing month. As a kid, I'd get depressed about this time of the year. By March, it seemed as if the school year had gone on forever, but it was still quite a long way from summer vacation. The holiday season was well past and there were no fun holidays to look forward to, to break up the time until school was out for the year.

And even in New Jersey, the snow season had pretty much ended by March, so the sledding season had ended as well. March weather was usually depressing -- lots of rain, wind, and mud. And it didn't get quite warm enough to enjoy being outdoors much; not quite warm enough for baseball or biking.

Now, as an adult, March doesn't make me quite as depressed as when I was growing up, but it's still a blah month. The rain, mud, and wind are still part of this month, but now that I'm living in the south, the weather can sometimes be quite warm by the beginning of March. And because time passes a lot quicker now than when I was a kid and because I no longer get summers off, that depresses me, as I know summer is right around the corner.

Summer up north as a kid was cool, not having to go to school and getting to do what I wanted with pleasant warm days. Summer down south as an adult is miserable, having to drag myself to work in blast furnace temperatures. And it will be here a lot sooner than it would if I were still up north.


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