Saturday, April 9, 2005

25 Small Pleasures

While out this morning, enjoying the perfect weather, I got the idea to blog about a few of life's small pleasures.

As I want to maintain the blog's PG-13 rating for this entry, I'll not write about my favorite pleasure of all...

1. Ice cubes cracking in the glass when liquid is poured over them.

2. Rubbing my bare feet on the carpet after a hard day's work

3. Cat in my lap, purring loudly

4. The smell of gasoline

5. Hearing a favorite song on the car radio that I've not heard in a long time

6. Browsing through bookstores, new and used

7. Though I rarely drink coffee, I like coffee and conversation after a good meal

8. An unexpected gift

9. The sound of crickets on a summer's night

10. Getting all green lights

11. The whir of a fan as I'm drifting off to sleep

12. Sleeping late

13. Sitting in front of a fireplace during a snowstorm

14. The roar of the surf at the beach

15. The smell of the ocean

16. Autumn leaves

17. The smell of leather

18. An unexpected day off

19. A hot shower

20. Successfully debating a point

21. The sound of a train passing, late at night

22. Looking up at the stars on a cold, clear night

23. Finding money in a jacket pocket when I first wear it in the fall

24. Back rubs

25. Getting a snail-mail letter

Feel free to add your own in the comments section.

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