Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Random Religious Rant

I work with several religious fundamentalists. None of them inspire the slightest desire in me to be likewise. If these particular people are an example of what it means to be “Christlike”, then I want no part of it.

All of them, without exception, have a smug attitude, that their way is the only way, end of discussion. It’s like the bumper sticker I see every so often, “God said it, I believe it, that settles it!“ They display an aura of smirky scorn to anyone who might believe differently, as if to disagree is to be sad and hopelessly confused.

None are able to articulate with any precision just why fundamentalist religion is important to them, let alone why it is the “one true way“. Any time I’ve asked why, I first get exasperation, as if it should be self-evident to any intelligent person. Then they regurgitate canned cliches which they’ve learned by rote.

I’ve always wondered why most people who turn to Christianity become fundamentalists, instead of embracing one of the more thoughtful, mainline denominations. I suspect the reason why “Christianity Lite” is so popular is precisely because of its simple black and white format. Everything is neatly explained in unequivocal terms, and there’s none of that pesky, complicated theology that makes a person have to think and -- perish the thought!-- question things.

One of the men at my job wants to become a Pentecostal preacher. It couldn’t possibly be because he wants to help people, if his behavior at work is any indication. He has no empathy for others, nothing that would inspire people to confide in him.

He joins with others in ridiculing one of the other drivers. The other driver is good-natured, but rather simple minded, and he’s short and fat with no teeth. He’s ten years younger than me, but looks old enough to be my father.

This would-be preacher sees nothing wrong with jeering at this poor man, who simply smiles like a deer caught in the headlights because he doesn’t have the mental capacity to fight back.

He frequently tells me that sex is to be reserved solely for marriage, though he himself has fathered two children out of wedlock by two different women. I just laugh at him and continue on my merry way.

He has no plans to attend a university to study theology, psychology, sociology or anything else that might be useful to a church leader, as he feels as if it’s unnecessary to someone who has a “true calling”.

I’m guessing he wants to become a preacher for the authority -- it’s the power that turns him on. I see this same lack of altruism in many others who have become fundamentalists -- they’re in it solely because they believe it’s their ticket to heaven, period. It‘s all about them.


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