Sunday, October 23, 2005

Personal Space Violations

Despite being a libertine, I've never been much of a touchy-feely person. Most of the time, I limit myself to engaging in intimate touch with lovers, and the giving and accepting of comfort from those close to me. I'm not the type that goes around hugging everyone.

I have a keen sense of my own personal space, which I seek to maintain in nonsexual situations. I consider it rude when others invade that space for reasons other than intimacy or comfort.

While at work today, a coworker invaded my personal space in a way I find especially intolerable. The area where the drivers bag their orders and dispatch them is a narrow, crowded space and, during rush times, we're always dodging and bumping into one another. Though it sets my teeth on edge, I understand it's inevitable in this poorly-planned space.

However, the above-mentioned coworker crossed a line today when he said, "Excuse me" and, before I could maneuver around another driver to get out of the way, put his hands on me and pushed me out of the way. I immediately turned on him and told him never to push me again.

I reacted on an instinctive, atavistic level. It was definitely a territorial thing, a matter of dominance. Fortunately, he backed off immediately, recognizing his faux pas, and I also let it go.

Other personal space invasions I can't abide are being tapped on the shoulder or someone tugging on my sleeve to get my attention. I taught my son at a very early age to never do either of these things with me.

Another thing that will piss me off is for someone to either shake or snap their fingers in my face. I've been known to tell people to get their finger out of my face before I break it off and hand it back to them. Again, a purely instinctive reaction.


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