Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Some People Have to Be Led Every Step of the Way

Every year, my town has a Christmas parade in the downtown area. It's always on a Sunday, so there is NOTHING open downtown then. So, for parade goers, the only place to use the bathroom is at the police station.

As luck would have it, when I was on the PD, I usually got stuck with desk duty on the day of the Xmas parade. Oh joy. Not.

The doors to the men's and women's rest rooms were no more than 12 feet from my desk and could be easily seen by anyone motivated enough to turn their head to the right. That didn't matter, everyone who came in to use them would ask me where they were, anyway. And wanted detailed directions, too. "Down the hall and to your right" wasn't good enough for these 'deer in the headlights' people, no sir! They wanted me to take them there, personally. And they would have liked me to have wiped their butts for them too, no doubt.

One person asking where the bathroom was wasn't a problem, but a steady stream of people doing this when I had things to do other than being a bathroom buddy got annoying fast.

One year, I got the bright idea of posting little signs with arrows, directing people to the facilities. The captain, seeing me taping up my little signs said, "That's a waste of time, you know. Half the population can't read, and the other half won't read!"

And he was right. All the cattle....err, people...who came in asked me, anyway.

Some people just have to be led, every step of the way.



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