Sunday, November 20, 2005

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Last night while out driving, I stopped at an intersection for a red light. Standing on the corner was a wild-eyed man, perhaps in his early 30s, holding a large hand-lettered sign. Naturally curious, I turned to read it. I figured he was one of those "will work for food" people out working his corner. When the man saw me looking, he held the sign up high, making sure I could see it clearly.

But the man wasn't looking for a job; he was looking for converts. A long Bible passage was written on the sign, urging passing drivers to "repent". Not wanting to encourage him, I quickly averted my head.

After I drove off, I wondered what would make someone want to waste their time in that manner. Why is it so important for such people to have others believe as they do?

Continuing to think about the man on the corner as I drove along, I thought that talk is cheap and that actions speak louder than words. Instead of wasting his time standing at an intersection, that man could have been living his faith by actually helping people. He didn't have to talk about it, as his actions would have spoken for themselves. He'd have been much more useful by helping others meet their basic needs.

You know how it goes: feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and those in prison, comfort the lonely, shelter the homeless, etc. My libertine soul could not help but silently add, "and fuck the horny". Some might find that last thought offensive, but it's a basic need like all the others previously mentioned, so, to me, it's a perfectly legitimate way to meet another person's basic needs.

It certainly beats the hell out of standing for hours at an intersection in the cold dark, holding up a Bible verse sign.


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