Thursday, April 27, 2006

Aiding a Cat

Last night, as I was leaving work, I saw a small cat in the road. It had been hit, but I could see that it was still alive. I parked my car and ran over to it, then carefully picked it up to carry it out of the road. If I'd left it there, another car would have soon come along and finished the job.

I laid the cat on the grass, where I could see that its body wasn't crushed, but there was a small amount of blood around the mouth. And it was obviously in distress making movements similar to when a cat has a hairball. However, the cat responded to me when I spoke to it and perked up a bit every time I petted it.

I called the police, hoping they'd be able to take it to the animal shelter where it could either be medically attended to or mercifully euthanized if the damage was too bad. Unfortunately, when the officer arrived he said there wasn't any way to access the animal shelter at this time of night. He didn't think the cat would live, but as he said that, the cat stood up for a moment, as if to mock him.

He did tell me there was an all night veterinary clinic in town, but that he'd not be able to take the cat. I said that I'd do it, as I couldn't just let the cat suffer.

When I got to the clinic, they promised me they'd save the cat if it was possible or peacefully put it to sleep if not.

I gave the cat one last pet, before I left it in the care of the clinic.

I hope the little guy makes it.

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