Monday, April 24, 2006

Personal Scent

Not too long ago, I wrote about an unbathed homeless man who frequented the library I worked at in college. And I know I've made comments in passing about those who use unappealing colognes and perfumes. Today, I'll touch upon another type of odor, that of "personal scent".

Personal scent isn't the same thing as B.O.; it's a natural odor unique to that person that can be detectable even when the person is freshly bathed and perfectly clean. It is how a person smells when clean, but not using any type of scented product: colognes, lotions, deodorant, etc. And it's not always an unpleasant odor, though it can be. Nor can we detect the personal scents of everyone we meet -- some people are olfactorily "invisible" to us, where with others, their personal scents jump right out at us, either pleasantly or unpleasantly.

I remember as a kid that the members of my aunt's family all had a similar personal scent. It was obvious to me whenever I visited them, but it wasn't an unpleasant odor to me. It was just their "family smell".

A few years ago, I worked with this woman who had a personal scent that I found extremely repulsive. She wasn't dirty in any way, but her scent did not appeal to me at all. Her odor was quite strong, too, as I'd be able to smell it whenever I got within three feet of her. It was so that I avoided interacting with her as much as possible, even though she was a very nice person.

Quite a long time ago, Infamous J and I had discussed the personal scent phenomenon, as she also had noticed people's personal scents. She'd read something to the effect that when one encountered someone with an unpleasant scent, that it was a primal reaction that was triggered when we encountered someone whose DNA was too similar to our own; that it was a kind of primitive alarm against unsuitable mates. I've not read anything about it myself, but it's an interesting idea.



Anonymous said...

I've had the same thoughts for quite some time. I do think people have a personal scent which has nothing to do with perfumes or deo.
Maybe it's a scent of them, like their beings and soul?
I've always been aware that my friends had a certain scent which was individually them, which didnt involve sprays of any sort.
Even when they moved, their pleasant travelled with them.
I do not have any theories on why we have them or why they are there, but they're there.
For me, it sometimes help when choosing friends.
I tend to like fruity and pleasant smells so when a person have a kind of bitter smell, im sad to say it does repel me a little even though they are trying to be nice.
Over all, an interesting topic =)
peace ^_^

Cynrey64 said...

I am very sensitive to my husband's scent. It's hard to describe it to anyone, even to him. I love his scent and at times can't get enought. I will snuggle up to his neck (that's where his scent is the strongest) and just breath him in. When we go to sleep for the night, all I have to do is get real close to him and his scent (this may sound nuts) is relaxing. When I ask him about me, he says I smell good all the time because I seem to always have a light residue of my perfume left on me which he loves but that's not what I mean when I ask him of course. I don't think he fully gets it but apparently, he must like my scent because I read somewhere that in order for a couple to stay together, they have to like each other's scents (not the only thing but I did think that it was interesting).