Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Workplace or Playground?

I was listening to conservative talk show host, Jay Severin, the other night in the car, where he made the comment that he hires only "attractive" women for his office.

Severin, a self-avowed libertine, says he wants such women to take with him on business trips who will be amenable to "fooling around". He also asserted that it should be his right to hire people using whatever criteria he wants, because he doesn't depend on government funds to operate his office.

Despite being a fellow libertine, I see several things wrong with this, though agreeing in principle that people should have the right to conduct private businesses as they see fit as long as everyone agrees to the terms.

First of all, it's generally not a good idea to play where you make your money, even if you're the boss. I know, personally, I'd not ever get any work done that way. And it's not necessary to have all your female employees be potential bed partners -- imagine the catfight potential there -- which could further disrupt the workplace. Even if you end up messing around with one or two of your employees, you still need some folks around to mind the store!

Secondly, I'm sure Severin has a very narrow definition of "attractive", which no doubt totally conforms to what is currently fashionable. And, as he should already know as a libertine of my own generation, that "good looking" doesn't always mean "good at it". In fact, in my experience, I've found out that the reverse tends to be true more often. Many extremely good looking women are high maintenance who think they've done their job and are doing you a favor simply by agreeing to sleep with you, and women whose appearances are not currently in fashion often make up for it with attitude and technique.

Plus, it's not logical to assume that just because a woman matches the current fashionably attractive ideal in our society that she is also into casual sex. Again, such attitudes don't always correlate with one's appearance. In my experience, good at it goes a much longer way than good looking.

And, lastly, I'm guessing Severin wouldn't like it very much if the shoe were on the other foot. He'd be crying bloody murder if he'd been passed up for a job he was qualifed for if a female boss didn't find him sufficiently studly for her taste. What's good for the goose is good for the gander and all that, you know.


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