Saturday, August 18, 2007

Saturday Happenings

Today, I went to the annual book sale put on by the Greenville Literacy Association, which works to foster adult literacy in the community through tutoring and other efforts. I'd meant to go last year, but forgot to ask off from work to do so. So, I made a point of attending this year.

I'd wanted to get an early start, but it's very difficult for me to get up early in the morning, so I didn't get there until about 3 hours after it began. After I got there, I'd wished I could have been there when they opened the doors, as several sections were already fairly well picked through when I got to them.

Though general fiction books were overrepresented, I still managed to leave with five books, one of which I'd been particularly hunting for, all at good prices. The lover who accompanied me left considerably more loaded down than I was.

My only real complaint was that the building was not sufficiently air-conditioned and I was sweating like a dockworker by the time I was ready to leave. I made the suggestion that they hold next year's sale in November, as I'd have stayed and looked longer if it had been cooler in there.


It seems as if a comment I made at the Alternet website was chosen as one of the 10 Best Comments of the Week:

Reader's Ten Best Comments of the Week


In the last week while driving around town, I've noticed many trees whose leaves are changing color, into fall yellows and oranges. It appears that the trees are as eager for fall to arrive as the rest of us are.

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