Thursday, August 25, 2005

Thursday Thoughts

I've frequently heard the assertion that it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile.

My answer to that is, "Why be lazy?"

Life is a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% fatality rate.

If you ever stop making mistakes, it means you're dead.

Love comes in spurts

Insurance industry = legalized, organized crime

Murphy's General Workplace Law:

If it works and it makes sense, they'll change it.
If it's stupid, they'll make it a written rule

As heard on the police radio:

A dispatcher once described a suspect as wearing "pan tants" (tan pants)

Dispatcher: See the lady who had her car stolen out of her purse
Officer: Was it a Matchbox?

(same dispatcher, by the way, who'd gotten it mixed up again)

Dispatcher: Can you describe the suspect?
Officer (who had just arrived on the scene): Yeah.....gone!

Dispatcher: Go to 100B Something Apartments. Caller complained there is a man masturbating outside her bedroom window.
Officer: Can you describe the suspect?
Dispatcher: He'll be the one with his pants around his ankles and his dick in his hand

Officer (while chasing a calf that got away from the stockyards): I think we'll need our special Smith and Wesson rope for this one
Officer 2: Tennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn-four!

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