Sunday, December 18, 2005

Christian Fundamentalists Protest Wal Mart Advertising

I'm guessing that many Christian fundamentalists have a lot of time on their hands and don't have enough worthwhile things to keep themselves occupied with, if the latest bit of news I've heard is any indication.

A fundamentalist group, American Family Association, has been picketing Wal Mart because their holiday promotional advertising says "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas".

Yes, you read it correctly. Instead of collecting food, clothing, and toys for poor families during the holiday season, they are wasting their time nitpicking over a major retailer's advertising content!

A spokeswoman for Wal Mart said that the contested advertising promotion
set to run from mid-November to early January was simply misunderstood: its slogan is "home for the holidays." She went on to say that a slogan was chosen to incorporate all holidays between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day and that no religious slights were intended.

Indeed. These Christian fundamentalists apparently have forgotten that other faiths also celebrate holidays at this time of year, and that "Happy Holidays" is the best phrase to use to include everyone.

Happy holidays to all my readers.

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