A study has shown that standard condoms, which are designed to meet international size specifications, are considerably too large for the average man in India.
The study indicates that sixty percent of Indian males had penises one inch too small for standard condoms, and a further thirty percent fell short by a full two inches. The baggy fit led to condoms slipping off or tearing during use.
Dr Chander Puri said that Indian men are too embarrassed to ask for better fitting condoms, which may be a factor in the nation's high HIV rate.
According to the Kinsey Institute for Sex Research, the average erect penis length is 6.16 inches, with the average girth being 4.84 inches.
For Indian men, my only suggestion is to try finger cots...those small roll-on latex devices designed to protect the finger while working with various substances. For women of all nationalities, don't go to India looking for sex.

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