Monday, December 13, 2010

Phenomenal Trumpet Solo

This is Maynard Ferguson, recorded some time in the 1960s. Ferguson, who died in 2006, was best known for his incredible range with the trumpet, easily able to hit notes more properly in the range of a piccolo. As a teenager playing trumpet in the high school band in the mid-70s, this man was my trumpet playing role model. Enjoy.


It's Just Me said...

Maynard was awesome! He played at my HS in Montana back in the early '80s.

Dawn Wolf said...

I enjoyed that. When I was a young musician, and thought I would live forever I thought Maynard would live forever too. It was refreshing to hear his sound. The freedom of the air distinguishes earlier musics from todays music which is good but often it is weighed down.

S.Maschera said...

The bloog has been discontinued? Such a shame...

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Kendrick said...

Thanks for sharring this