Thursday, March 30, 2006

More Wild Dreams

This must be the week of wild dreams. Here are three more I had last night:

In the first one, I'm sitting here in front of the computer, when I heard the tornado sirens go off. A few seconds later, I hear the winds, and, suddenly, my chair was shoved across the room into the wall.

My son was in his bed asleep. I tried to call out to him to let him know there is a tornado, but I couldn't speak audibly. Eventually, I made my way across the house to his room, where I kneeled by the side of his bed. He woke up and we hung on to each other for dear life as the storm buffets our house. I looked up as I heard the roof creaking, but it held, and my fear dissipated. Then I looked out the window, where the tornado had moved to my neighbor's house.

In the second dream, I'm at some sort of outdoor picnic or barbecue. There are several long tables set up with long benches on either side. After I filled up my plate, I sat down to eat. As I was sitting down, a bit of cinnamon fell off my dessert and onto the ground on the opposite side from where I was sitting.

I didn't think much of it, but a man sitting catty corner on the other side of the table began glaring at me. It was the old SOB captain I couldn't stand from my police days. He didn't say anything, but I knew he wanted me to pick up the cinnamon grains.

I looked at him and told him it wasn't bothering anyone and that I'd clean it up once I finished eating. I was damned if I'd get up immediately for a few cinnamon grains and let my meal get cold.

In the third dream, I was a wizard and there a huge boiling cauldron in the room in front of me. It was a large room with lots of people coming and going.

I reached inside the cauldron and pulled out a long umbilical cord-like string. Eventually I got it all out and it turned into a woman my own age, a friend or relative of some sort that I'd thought had died. She was naked, but unaware of it, and went into the kitchen where a bunch of others were.

I reached in again, and pulled out another string and it turned into the woman's daughter, who I'd also thought was dead.

I had another relative, a brother or a cousin who I thought was dead, so I reached in again, hoping to find another string. I didn't, even after emptying the cauldron of all the liquid and this disturbed me.


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